Today, 16 December, the Supreme Court has betrayed all young people and the Global South, with a treasonous judgement, that overrules the Court of Appeal’s decision that the expansion plan drawn up by Chris Grayling, based on the discredited and dangerous 2˚C target was unlawful.

Yesterday Plan B’s Tim Crosland broke the court embargo on the story in a deliberate protest against this deeply immoral verdict:

Absurdly, the Supreme Court claimed that Grayling had taken the Paris Agreement into account, even though the Minister himself had stated it was “not relevant” and that he had not take it into account.

The judgment does not mean Heathrow expansion will proceed. Plan B intends to take the judgment to the European Court of Rights on the basis that reliance upon the 2˚C target is a breach of the right to life and there are other substantial hurdles facing Heathrow (including the development consent process).

Tim said:

The Paris Temperature Limit is all that divides us from a grim future of crisis upon crisis. The Government was right to accept the Court of Appeal’s verdict. The Supreme Court’s judgment, which has legitimised Mr Grayling’s use of the deadly 2˚C threshold, has betrayed us all.